Field gate Bredon Hill

Field gate Bredon Hill

Field gate Bredon Hill

Field gate Bredon Hill

Field gate was taken on Bredon Hill during the snow of November 2024

Cotswold stone wall Bredon Hill

Cotswold wall Bredon Hill

Cotswold stone wall Bredon Hill

Cotswold wall Bredon Hill

Cotswold stone wall was taken on Bredon Hill during the November 2024 snow storm.

Ramblers gate Bredon Hill

Ramblers gate Bredon Hill

Ramblers gate Bredon Hill

Ramblers gate Bredon Hill

Ramblers gate was taken on Bredon Hill during the November 2024 snow storm.

Cleeve Hill

Cleeve Hill

Cleeve Hill

Cleeve Hill

This image was taken on Cleeve Hill

Small trees Bredon Hill

Small trees Bredon Hill

Small trees Bredon Hill

Small trees Bredon Hill

Small trees was taken on Bredon Hill

Hoar frost

Hoar frost

Hoar frost

Hoar frost

This is an image taken early morning after a snow storm and when the hoar frost was at is sharpest. The Printed image won a Selectors Medal at Midphot 2023 and was accepted in the 75th Midland Salon.

Barley Field

Barley Field

Barley Field

Barley Field

Barley Field was taken on Bredon Hill

Victoria gardens in flood

Victoria gardens in flood

Victoria gardens in flood

Victoria gardens in flood

Victoria gardens in flood was Taken at Tewkesbury

Tewkesbury Abbey snow scene

Tewkesbury Abbey snow scene

Tewkesbury Abbey snow scene

Tewkesbury Abbey snow scene

This is an image of Tewkesbury Abbey taken during a heavy snow storm.

Tewkesbury park

Tewkesbury park

Tewkesbury park

Tewkesbury park

This is an image of winter snow covered Tewkesbury park Golf course.

Winter snow, Tewkesbury park

Winter snow

Winter snow, Tewkesbury park

Winter snow

This is an image of winter snow covered Tewkesbury park Golf course.

Winter stream, Tewkesbury

Winter stream, Tewkesbury

Winter stream, Tewkesbury

Winter stream, Tewkesbury

Winter stream was taken on the Tewkesbury nature reserve.


Andrew Buckley Photography

Andrew Buckley Photography

I create thought provoking images for Myself, Club & International Print/PDI Competitions

Note: We aim to respond as soon as possible